
Why choose a science-oriented daycare centre?
Exploration and the use of senses are natural activities for children right from the moment of birth. The science-orientation is implemented through comprehensive exploration of the children’s close surroundings and learning of new things. At Pilke’s daycare units, science education is part of extensive learning activities that develop the skills of thinking, expression, interaction, multiliteracy, participation and influencing.
Play, creativity and exercise support the development of children’s scientific thinking which involves making questions, expressing opinions, comparing things, experimentation and thinking critically. At a science-oriented daycare centre, children learn to discover and explore through play and other activities and receive experiences of success.
Science is part of all everyday actions: for the younger children, it involves exploration and discovery through the use of senses (touch, hearing, sight, smell, taste), whereas older children are encouraged to discuss interesting phenomena, deduce and solve problems as well as to experiment and learn through hands-on activities.
The learning environments of our science daycare centres encourage and inspire children to explore and experiment. They have access to rooms equipped with equipment suitable for exploration such as loupes, magnifying glasses, pipettes, microscopes and light pads. The daycare centre yard, close surroundings and various trip destinations are excellent sites for discoveries.