Come work at Pilke

Children’s good days are provided by Pilke’s professionals – every day.

Pilke provides early childhood education in nearly 200 private day care centres and pre-schools across Finland. Our operations are diverse and we are constantly developing them. In addition, our day care centres also offer a choice of differently focused teaching.

Pilke goal is to be the best in the early childhood education sector in Finland. This goal is achieved by working together.

Pilke employees take good care of the children, and it is our job as a company to take good care of our employees.

Would you like to support the lives and early years of children through your work?

A child’s first years are irreplaceable: they form a foundation for life as the child develops in leaps and bounds.

Because we value the quality of early childhood education and care, we include learning through play and gentle interaction. We see and recognise the unique abilities of each child and support their strengths. We are passionate about our work, and we build safe and inspiring learning paths for every child.

We create the conditions for children to learn knowledge and skills, as well as how to approach the world with good will and kindness.

Pilke offers diverse early childhood education and care with different themes or learning orientations that support children’s strengths and interests. The chosen theme is included the in the day-care centre’s curriculum and reflected in their daily activities in many ways. Pilke offers the following themes: languages, science, nature, sports, music, art, and expression. We also provide additional training for the above themes.

Creative, free, and self-guided work

The duties of Pilke day-care centres are distributed among the educators, caretakers, and managers to allow every employee to focus on their work and perform at their best. You can read career stories here about working in a Pilke day-care centre.

We value collaboration and operational development. Pilke employees are given opportunities to influence their work, and no one has to do their highly responsible and demanding work alone.

Pilke has an open and tolerant atmosphere with a strong culture of encouragement. We want to work together improve working life through innovative solutions. You can read about our values here.

Every Pilke employee receives competitive pay and comprehensive employee benefits, and is offered opportunities for additional training.

We follow the exact same goals, quality metrics, and qualification requirements of early childhood education and care curricula as municipal day-care centres and nursery schools.

The freedom to develop themselves and to develop quality early childhood education and care

I have worked at Pilke for nearly six years. Pilke employed me as an early childhood education teacher at the music-oriented daycare centre Nummenharju directly after graduation. Throughout my career, Pilke has valued my skills and supported me in the face of difficulties. I’ve had the opportunities to test my wings as both deputy manager and daycare centre manager. Through various work groups, I’ve had the chance to influence Pilke’s high-quality early childhood education and care.

I have participated in incredibly fruitful trainings and had the opportunity to train others too. I have represented Pilke in various trade fairs and other events. In addition, I’ve had the privilege to work with amazing, highly professional early childhood educators as a manager, early childhood education teacher and mentor. All of my colleagues have taught me something valuable.

Pilke has enabled me to grow from a novice to a confident professional. Last autumn, I was rewarded for my good work. Thank you Pilke for placing trust in my skills, for challenging me and for helping me develop myself as a professional!

Minna Puusniekka, Early Childhood Education Teacher, Pilke Daycare Centres

Making the quality and daily activities of our education and care visible

Every day, our early childhood education and care professionals live and experience thousands of different situations with their colleagues and the children and their families. There are just too many to describe or present at once.

Our employees value communality, daily support, and encouragement. They are highly driven to succeed and willing to devote themselves. You can read stories from the workplace to learn more about our employees’ experiences.

We believe that these articles exemplify the daily life, strong experience, and meaningfulness of early childhood education and care at Pilke. These ensure a good day, every day.

Pilke’s pedagogy and concept of learning

The activities of Pilke daycare centres are always based on the Act on Early Childhood Education and Care (540/2018) and the National Core Curriculum for Early Childhood Education and Care. In addition, our work is guided by municipal early childhood education and care curricula.

Learning through play in gentle interaction

At Pilke Daycare Centres, each child is considered an active knowledge builder who selects and interprets information independently. The child’s active participation is a crucial part of the learning process which is formed in interaction with the surroundings and results from the child’s own activity. Children structure new information based on their earlier experiences, knowledge and views. We integrate the learning material with each child’s experiences and interests.

In order to learn, children must feel safe, well and happy. High-quality interaction relationships and positive emotional experiences enable children to act as unique individuals. Children are naturally curious, creative and active and familiarise with the surrounding world through play.

Positive feedback maintains children’s motivation to learn and their image of themselves as learners. Learning should be fun and inspire children to learn more. Children participate in the learning process actively right from the start and shape it through their own activities and ideas.

Mirka Laaksonen, Head of Early Childhood Education, Pilke Daycare Centres

What we do to make the ECEC curriculum seen and felt every day

Cherished Childhood and Play and Everyday Pedagogy form the trunk, the body of our operations.

The roots of the tree are the Pilke ECEC guidelines. The roots describe those methods and strategies we use to provide children with a good, successful day. We can use the roots to explain the important bases of our work.

The leaves of the tree include the learning areas of the National Core Curriculum for Early Childhood Education and Care (2022). Our learning buddies, each corresponding to a learning area, accompany the children in our everyday pedagogy.

Play and everyday pedagogy

Most of a preschooler’s learning takes place during play and daily activities. In everyday situations, including play, our personnel engage children as individuals, activating and motivating them to explore and express their creativity in different learning environments.

Play and learning are intertwined – one often results in the other. Playful learning combines free-form play with programmed activities that vary over the course of a day.

We use everyday situations for learning. Important situations include, for example, getting dressed, eating, etc. Our personnel must be quick to make good use of these moments of learning. Separate activity periods supplement the lessons learned in everyday situations.

In small group activities, pedagogical grounds are used to divide children into smaller groups. Small groups enable goal-oriented support in everyday situations for every child’s growth, development, and learning. They also allow for good interaction and for the children to be approached and considered as individuals. Small groups make high-quality learning experiences possible by calming down and simplifying activities.

Cherished childhood

Pilke day-care centres support and protect childhood and its unique value. We see the children and respect them as themselves. Our day-care centres help build a foundation for a good life and prepare children to be participating members of society.

The inclusion of children in their early childhood education and care means giving them the opportunity to be heard and contribute to decisions that affect their lives and welfare.

This gives children the experience of possessing adequate ability, having a relevant role, and receiving responsibility in their community. In practice, this means including the children and their guardians in both the ECEC planning process and daily functions.

The framework of Pilke’s early childhood education plan

Flexible learning environments at Pilke

A successful learning environment is a place where adults and children feel good every day.

Pilke provides high-quality and innovative early childhood education and pre-school education in nearly 200 day-care centres across Finland. Our mission is to ensure that every day is a good day for children and our staff. The learning environments in our daycare centres have a big impact on the quality of life for both children and adults.

Read more about learning environments (in Finnish)

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What is it like to work at Pilke kindergarten? Get to know Pilke’s professionals, the good day makers!

Elina Saranki, Pre-school Teacher, Mikkeli
Elina Saranki, Pre-school Teacher, Mikkeli
“It was an easy decision to accept the job offer.”
Daycare Centre Managers Ulla Keskinen and Päivi Ropponen
Pilke’s tutor activities for new daycare centre managers
Mira Nurmi, Daycare Centre Manager, Järvenpää and Mäntsälä
Mira’s exchange to Sotkamo – sharing ideas within Pilke
Hanna Salonen, Daycare Centre Manager, Tornio
Hanna Salonen, Daycare Centre Manager, Tornio
From north to south and back again with Pilke
Elina Inkovaara, Senior Daycare Assistant, Pori
“I’m not invisible to the children even though I work at the kitchen.”
Anu Volanen, Early Childhood Education Teacher, Espoo
Anu Volanen, Early Childhood Education Teacher, Espoo
Finding the words for everyday life


Pilke has various vacancies at daycare centres, after-school clubs and childcare services around Finland on a constant basis.

Even if you cannot find a position that matches your expertise among our vacancies, we will gladly hear from you.

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We will be happy to tell you more about our operating methods and employment at Pilke. Don’t hesitate to contact us, we will gladly get to know you!