Apply for Pilke daycare!

Pilke music-oriented private daycare centre Tuulikello

Opening hours
Mon-Fri 6:30-18 (as necessary)

Nuotit (under 3y.) tel. 040 458 9190
Soinnut (3-5y.) tel. 040 458 9191

Manager Jenny Heino
puh. 040 5865031


Our daycare center uses a service voucher from the city of Espoo. Read more here!

The client fee as its highest is 341 €/month with the Espoo service voucher. Service voucher and daycare hours may affect to the fee.

Ask about the sibling discount from the manager.

The daycare centre participates in the City of Espoo’s trial in which 20 weekly hours of early childhood education and care are offered for five-year-olds free of charge. Please inquire for further details from the daycare centre manager.

Daisy Family

Kodin ja päiväkodin välisenä viesti- ja tiedotuskanavanamme toimii Daisy. Viestimme Daisyn kautta mm. päiväkodin tapahtumista ja kuulumisista.

Perheet ilmoittavat Daisyn kautta mm. hoitoaikavaraukset ja poissaoloilmoitukset.

Pilke DaisyFamily

You can apply at any time and get started quickly.

  1. Apply for a service voucher from the City of Espoo
  2. and apply for Pilkke’s early childhood education.

Applying for daycare is quick and easy, and you are not yet bound to anything. You can also queue up your application.

You will be contacted within 2 working days and we will agree on how to proceed.

Read more about the service voucher on the City of Espoo website.

Apply now!

Music-oriented daycare centre Pilke Tuulikello is located by excellent transport connections in Leppävaara, Espoo

Tuulikello is a pleasant, music-oriented private daycare centre in the Espoo district of Leppävaara, close to shopping centre Sello. The daycare centre is easily accessible by bus, train or car. Tuulikello provides children with versatile early childhood education and care at an active daycare centre with 28 places for children between the ages of 10 months and 5 years.

We allow every child to be an individual who grows and develops at their own pace while the educators listen to them, give them time and provide them with opportunities to engage in versatile activities. For us, it is important to encounter the children genuinely, taking account of their experiences, and we value intimacy, good humour and happiness for both children and adults. We place emphasis on doing things together and paying attention to others.

Our operation is based on small groups which are formed in various ways on the basis of age, games and instructed activities. We consider it essential to let children of different ages to play together to provide them with opportunities to learn from each other. The children and their parents participate in planning our operation jointly with the educators.

At Tuulikello, musical activities comprise playing instruments, singing, dancing, celebration, rhymes, musical movement and music clubs, among many others. Music is present in everyday life at the daycare centre in various ways, and our objective is to foster the children’s interest in music comprehensively and to convey the joy of music to everyone. Everyone is allowed to express their musical self in their own unique manner.

You’re welcome to visit us!

Pilke music-oriented private daycare centre Tuulikello - Näin löydät meille!
Huvilinnanaukio 8
02600 ESPOO Suomi
Contact us

Our customers have rated us

Pilke day-care centre customer satisfaction survey, 2024: “I am satisfied with the early childhood education and care of my child” (on a scale of 1 to 5 where 5 means best).

Visit our day-care centre to learn more!

Please contact and visit us to take a peek at the facilities and see the daily routine and activities at the day-care centre; We will get to know each other, answer your questions, and explain how to apply for and start day-care.

Or you can always send the Pilke application form. We will get back to you in 2 days, and arrange a tour!

Care and education, hand in hand

Our task is to create conditions in which children can not only learn facts and skills, but also prepare to face the big wide world with heart and kindness.

Please find for more information about our daycare centres and early childhood education and care!

Example of the daily routine at daycare

The daycare centre schedule is always designed based on its size and objectives. This routine is a general example of a day at daycare. The daycare centre manager provides further information on the routine of your daycare centre.


Daycare centre doors open. Welcome! We start the day with a hug and have a chat. Then we gradually start to play.






Small group activities indoors and outdoors.


n. 11.15

Lunch, followed by a rest. Some of the children sleep or rest while the others go outside. After the rest, it’s time for quiet play and activities.


n. 14.00




Play, small group activities and outdoor activities.



The daycare centre doors close. Thank you for today and see you tomorrow!

Welcome to our daycare center!

You can fill out a daycare application at any time. The application is not binding. We will contact you within 2 working days.

Apply for Pilke daycare!

Would you like to apply for a daycare place?

You can fill out an application quickly and easily online, and applications are not binding. You can also apply to be put on a waiting list for a daycare centre. We will contact you within 2 working days and agree on what to do next.

Manager Jenny Heino

I will be happy to answer any questions regarding our day-care centre; introduction visits, availability, applications, customer agreements and their amendments, invoicing, customer feedback, and so on.