Apply for Pilke daycare

Pilke sports-oriented daycare Taikapolku

This daycare has room
Groups and Opening hours

Mon–Fri 7-17


Big ones tel. 040 457 7937
Small ones tel. 040 457 7936

Read more
Come and visit us

The customer fee of the daycare is affected by the allowance for private care granted by the Social Insurance Institution Kela. After the private daycare allowance, our customer fee is a maximum of €325/month. The customer fee is possibly reduced by an income-related care supplement. Check Kela’s new income limits here.

To calculate the final customer fee via the Kela pages, you need the full daycare fee. This fee, as well as additional information, you can ask from the daycare manager.

Our daycare center offers 4 hours of free early childhood education for 5-year-olds, in addition to which the city of Helsinki supports families with 5-year-olds with 160 euros per month. Ask the kindergarten manager for more information.


If you wish your child to receive a place in early childhood education and care at Taikapolku, please fill Pilke’s daycare application form.

You can apply at any time, and you can get started quickly!

Fill in and submit the application form. No attachments are required and the application is not yet binding. You can also queue your application for a day care.

You will be contacted within 2 working days and we will agree on how to proceed.

Apply now!
Daisy Family

Daisy is our communication and information channel between home and daycare. We use Daisy to communicate, for example, about events and news from the daycare.

Families use Daisy to send us information such as childcare bookings and absence notifications.

Pilke DaisyFamily

Pilke Taikapolku – A Sports-Oriented Daycare in Vuosaari, Helsinki

Pilke Taikapolku is conveniently located in Vuosaari, close to metro and bus connections. Our small and warm-hearted daycare provides high-quality, child-centered early childhood education for children aged 0–6 years. Taikapolku also offers pre-primary education.

Joyful and Diverse Physical Activities in Everyday Life

The goal of Taikapolku’s sports-oriented approach is to inspire children to discover the joy of movement and an active lifestyle. This focus is reflected in daily activities, including excursions, outdoor play, weekly movement-based music sessions, and guided exercise moments. We also explore a variety of sports, such as swimming and cycling, to offer children a broad and engaging physical education experience.


Pilke sports-oriented daycare Taikapolku - Näin löydät meille!
Vedenottamontie 9
00980 Helsinki Suomi
Contact us

Active Days, Play, and Laughter – The Taikapolku Way

In addition to our focus on physical activity, we provide a diverse range of activities in line with the early childhood education curriculum. Our daily activities include theater performances, arts and crafts, painting sessions, and of course, time for rest and relaxation.

At Taikapolku, pedagogy is present in every moment of the day. It’s about pausing together to explore and wonder—whether counting peas in a salad or playing with colors while painting. We cherish every unhurried moment spent talking, playing, and laughing—discovering the world together.

Welcome to Pilke Taikapolku!

Pilke liikuntapäiväkoti Taikapolku - Asiakasperheidemme kokemuksia

Päiväkodissa on ihanat ammattitaitoiset hoitajat, jotka antavat työhönsä enemmän kuin "perus pakollisen". Lämmin kiitos!
My children love their kindergarten, so it is very good. I really like the teachers, I see that my children get a lot of new skills (language, drawing) and friends. And I really like the idea of ​​visiting libraries and museums.

Our customers have rated us

Pilke day-care centre customer satisfaction survey, 2025: “I am satisfied with the early childhood education and care of my child” (on a scale of 1 to 5 where 5 means best).

Visit our day-care centre to learn more!

Please contact and visit us to take a peek at the facilities and see the daily routine and activities at the day-care centre; We will get to know each other, answer your questions, and explain how to apply for and start day-care.

Or you can always send the Pilke application form. We will get back to you in 2 days, and arrange a tour!

Care and education, hand in hand

Our task is to create conditions in which children can not only learn facts and skills, but also prepare to face the big wide world with heart and kindness.

Please find for more information about our daycare centres and early childhood education and care!

Example of the daily routine at daycare

The daycare centre schedule is always designed based on its size and objectives. This routine is a general example of a day at daycare. The daycare centre manager provides further information on the routine of your daycare centre.


Daycare centre doors open. Welcome! We start the day with a hug and have a chat. Then we gradually start to play.






Small group activities indoors and outdoors.


n. 11.15

Lunch, followed by a rest. Some of the children sleep or rest while the others go outside. After the rest, it’s time for quiet play and activities.


n. 14.00




Play, small group activities and outdoor activities.



The daycare centre doors close. Thank you for today and see you tomorrow!

Welcome to our daycare center!

You can fill out a daycare application at any time. The application is not binding. We will contact you within 2 working days.

Apply for Pilke daycare!

Would you like to apply for a daycare place?

You can fill out an application quickly and easily online, and applications are not binding. You can also apply to be put on a waiting list for a daycare centre. We will contact you within 2 working days and agree on what to do next.

Manager Katariina Lemmetti

I will be happy to answer any questions regarding our day-care centre; introduction visits, availability, applications, customer agreements and their amendments, invoicing, customer feedback, and so on.