Apply for Pilke daycare

Home in Nature daycare centre Uikunkoto

This daycare has room
Groups and Opening hours

Mon–Fri 7-17 (as necessary)

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Come and visit us

After the private care support, the client fee is a maximum of 490 € / month, depending on the care times and the child’s age.

Inquire about sister discount from the daycare manager. We also have free 4-hour early childhood education for 5-year-olds.


Please fill Pilke’s daycare application form.

You can apply at any time, and you can get started quickly!

Fill in and submit the application form. No attachments are required and the application is not yet binding. You can also queue your application for a day care.

You will be contacted within 2 working days and we will agree on how to proceed.

Apply now!
Daisy Family

Daisy is our communication and information channel between home and daycare. We use Daisy to communicate, for example, about events and news from the daycare.

Families use Daisy to send us information such as childcare bookings and absence notifications.

Pilke DaisyFamily

At Home in Nature daycare centre in Viikki’s natural surroundings

At Home in Nature daycare centre Pilke Uikunkoto was established in the Helsinki district of Viikki in 2013. We are next-door neighbours with At Home in Nature daycare centre Sotkankoto with which we engage in regular cooperation. Uikunkoto’s everyday life is shared by approximately 26 children, 4 educators and a daycare assistant. Uikunkoto has its roots in the renowned Taiga Child daycare company which is now part of the Pilke family.

Vegetable-rich organic food

Our daycare centre premises are located by excellent transport connections right next to Viikki’s open fields. We fill our premises with heartfelt warmth to support the children’s well-being. As part of our playful and warm-spirited everyday life, wooden furniture and toys as well as various kinds of fabric and silk elements help create a natural, homelike atmosphere. A vegetable-rich organic lunch is prepared daily in our kitchen. We allow the children to participate in cooking so that they can see their own handiwork in the meals. The high quality of our foods is verified by our highest three-star rating of the organic food programme Portaat Luomuun.

Home in Nature daycare centre Uikunkoto - Näin löydät meille!
Koetilantie 1 C 11
00790 HELSINKI Suomi
Contact us

We warmly welcome you to be a part of it all!

The Yard Provides a Setting for Creative Play

Our daycare yard is located a short distance from our indoor facilities. A sandy path, starting between the Agricultural Museum and the fields, leads to the yard, where the approaching presence of nature can already be felt from the road’s end. The yard provides a setting for creative play, building projects, tending the vegetable garden, chopping wood, and gathering around a campfire. On cold winter mornings, a small snack is served inside the shelter of the hut, warmed by the stove.

A Close Connection to Nature

Three times a week, our eager expedition sets off for the nearby nature areas of Viikki, where the diverse Arboretum of the University of Helsinki offers a wonderful setting. There, we find our home forest, the enchanting Fairytale Valley. Its large boulders, fallen trees, and the huts we have built invite children into imaginative play, curiosity, and movement. In winter, the fields of Viikki transform into a place for skiing and sledding, where we can also marvel year-round at the wide variety of animals that inhabit and pass through the area.

Story Circles and Painting

In addition to outdoor life, our indoor activities complement our nature-based experiences. On home days, we bake, paint, and play indoors after our morning outdoor time. Three times a week, we gather in a story circle to listen to folk tales, and daily singing moments help guide our transitions.

The Rhythm of the Year Shapes Our Daily Life

The cycle of the year, along with its celebrations, provides a natural rhythm to our daily life. We live from festival to festival—anticipating, preparing, celebrating, and then winding down from each occasion. Nature’s events and traditions give deep meaning to our celebrations.

Every Day at Daycare is Unique

As educators, we are fellow travelers with the children of Uikunkoto—guides in life and enablers of rich experiences. Our goal is to truly connect with each child, support their curiosity about the world, and share experiences together. Each daycare day is a unique opportunity for creative interaction, where the day's content unfolds naturally rather than being predetermined. Parents are also an integral part of the Uikunkoto family through open and active collaboration.

In Our At Home in Nature Approach, We Promise To:

  • Spend unhurried time outdoors in all weather conditions.

  • Be outside for several hours every day.

  • Go on excursions to nearby nature at least three times a week.

  • Find play materials primarily from nature.

  • Enable long-lasting play and diverse movement opportunities every day.

  • Have adults stay close to children while respecting their uniqueness.

  • Uphold the values of a sustainable lifestyle.

Our customers have rated us

Pilke day-care centre customer satisfaction survey, 2025: “I am satisfied with the early childhood education and care of my child” (on a scale of 1 to 5 where 5 means best).

Visit our day-care centre to learn more!

Please contact and visit us to take a peek at the facilities and see the daily routine and activities at the day-care centre; We will get to know each other, answer your questions, and explain how to apply for and start day-care.

Or you can always send the Pilke application form. We will get back to you in 2 days, and arrange a tour!

Care and education, hand in hand

Our task is to create conditions in which children can not only learn facts and skills, but also prepare to face the big wide world with heart and kindness.

Please find for more information about our daycare centres and early childhood education and care!

Example of the daily routine at daycare

The daycare centre schedule is always designed based on its size and objectives. This routine is a general example of a day at daycare. The daycare centre manager provides further information on the routine of your daycare centre.


Daycare centre doors open. Welcome! We start the day with a hug and have a chat. Then we gradually start to play.






Small group activities indoors and outdoors.


n. 11.15

Lunch, followed by a rest. Some of the children sleep or rest while the others go outside. After the rest, it’s time for quiet play and activities.


n. 14.00




Play, small group activities and outdoor activities.



The daycare centre doors close. Thank you for today and see you tomorrow!

Welcome to our daycare center!

You can fill out a daycare application at any time. The application is not binding. We will contact you within 2 working days.

Apply for Pilke daycare!

Luonnossa kotonaan -päiväkotien pedagogiikka

Kaikkien luonnossa kotonaan päiväkotiemme yhteisenä punaisena lankana on ajatus, että varhaislapsuuden ainutlaatuisen ajan ja lapsen henkilökohtainen kasvun tulee voida toteutua kiirettömyydessä, lämpöisessä ja turvallisessa ilmapiirissä, ilossa, arkeen linkittyvän aherruksen touhussa ja erityisesti luonnossa leikkien, liikkuen ja omaan tahtiin ihmetellen.

Luonnossa kotonaan -päiväkodit

Luonnossa kotonaan on ulkoilmaelämää säällä kuin säällä, ympäri vuoden. Toiminnassa korostuvat leikki ja luonnossa liikkuminen, kiireetön yhdessäolo ja yhdessä tekeminen. Toiminnan perustana on näkemys leikkivästä ja liikkuvasta, ainutlaatuisesta lapsesta. Lapsen osallisuus ja kestävä elämäntapa ovat toimintaa ohjaavia arvoja ja näkyvät arjessa.

Päiväkodin ympäristökasvatus syventää luontosuhdetta ja tukee hyvinvointia

”Uskon, että luonto parantaa lasten vastustuskykyä, ja metsäretkillä kiipeily ja epätasainen, vaihteleva maasto tekevät todella hyvää lapsenmotorisille taidoille.” Päiväkodin johtajamme Johanna Luostarinen kertoo artikkelissamme, kuinka luonnon vaikutukset näkyvät lasten hyvinvoinnissa hänen päivittäisessä työssään.

Would you like to apply for a daycare place?

You can fill out an application quickly and easily online, and applications are not binding. You can also apply to be put on a waiting list for a daycare centre. We will contact you within 2 working days and agree on what to do next.

Manager Johanna Saunamäki

I will be happy to answer any questions regarding our day-care centre; introduction visits, availability, applications, customer agreements and their amendments, invoicing, customer feedback, and so on.