Pilke Daycare Centres’ learning orientations

Care and education, hand in hand
We offer innovative early childhood education based on active learning and professional teaching in all our daycare centers. Many of our daycare centres also offer a choice of differently focused early childhood education: languages, nature, physical education, music, science, art and expression.
These focus areas support the child’s strengths and interests. These priorities are written into the daycare centres early childhood education plan and are reflected in a variety of ways in the day-to-day life.
All Pilke daycare centres comply with the Finnish Early Childhood Education Act and our activities are guided by the national early childhood education plan. Naturally, the emphasis on early childhood education also includes a wide range of activities every day, such as outdoor activities, singing, crafts and play – not forgetting rest.
We are passionate about our work and building safe and inspiring learning paths for everyone.
Pilke orientation leaders familiarise the daycare staff and work together to plan the focus early childhood education activities. In addition, the daycare staff receive training on the emphasis from our partners, such as Suomen Latu and the Lasten Tiedekoulu.

At Pilke, quality early childhood education involves learning through play and gentle interaction. We see and recognise each child’s unique talents and support their strengths.
Everyday pedagogy is present in every moment of the daycare. It is stopping together and wondering about things; counting peas in the salad, playing with colours while painting.
We cherish every unhurried moment we get to spend with the children, playing, talking and exploring the world together. We create a safe environment for children where emotional expressions are allowed, a hug is always available and there is time for play. Little by little, they will grow up to be independent agents, confident in their skills and daring to dream!
For us, the best customer feedback is a happy child who comes to the daycare – that’s how we know we’re doing quality and important work.
Are you looking for a daycare place for your child?
What is it like in kindergarten – what do you want to know about applying and starting at the daycare ? You can apply at any time by filling out our online form. You will then quickly receive a confirmation of your spot.
Let’s get in touch and chat for more. We’ll arrange you a personal visit and meeting at a Pilke daycare.